Hey There!

Well, hello! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I haven’t done a blog post in nearly six months! Once Dance the Tide was released in June, I decided to take the rest of the summer off from the blog, and focused a bit more on keeping my new book-baby front and center on social media. I still have a lot to learn in that respect, but for right now, I’m all in with Facebook & Instagram (scroll down to the bottom of this page to find links to my pages). Keeping my social media presence up while working full-time, yet still allowing some time for fun this summer, kept me busy.

And then September came and went, and I was halfway through October when I got it into my head that I was going to participate in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, which takes place during the month of November. Great idea, right? I have numerous plot bunnies locked in a cage, and I was ready—or so I thought—to set one free and dig in.

But then November seemed to arrive quickly—a little too quickly! So for me, NaNoWriMo became CaNoPlaMo, which is Cat’s Novel Planning Month (see what I did there?). But that’s okay, right? Planning is good. You have to lay a strong foundation before you can build the house. So I chose a bunny, and I was On. My. Way. Slightly panic-stricken, but on my way.

Why panic-stricken? Well, I haven’t actually written anything new since I finished An Unexpected Harvest in 2017. Instead, I’ve spent the past few years revamping/rewriting and self-publishing my three older stories. It feels like the creative part of my brain, the one needed to fuel and feed a new story, is covered by a layer of dust. Jumping into something brand new is a little bit scary and a whole lot intimidating. I find I’m having a hard time putting myself in the proper frame of mind—I put the “pro” in procrastinate—and of course, the dreaded “imposter syndrome” is alive and well and throwing a party in my psyche. It’s real, and it’s relentless.

On top of that, the plot bunnies were enthusiastically vying for the honor of First Freed. Here are the contenders: One bunny is mostly fluffy and snuggly and super sweet, happily representing the friends-to-lovers trope; another is equally fluffy but a bit rougher around the edges, with a “second chance romance” tattoo on one of his ears; and then there’s the steamy (non-JAFF) historical romance bunny – he’s sitting at the back of the cage, smirking and smoking a cigarette, knowing he’s well worth however long he has to wait; and there’s a teeny tiny Regency bunny that I mostly ignore – she’s the runt of the group and is frequently in hiding, which is exactly where I want her. Last but not least, there’s a very nervous, angst-ridden bunny who is pacing the cage and suspiciously eyeing all of the other bunnies.  

So, yeah. Welcome to my brain! And the kicker is, I thought I’d settled on the angst-ridden bunny. He was almost released from the cage. But then mister fluffy and snuggly shook his cute little tail and caught my eye, and I was all in; I’d even written the prologue and part of Chapter 1. But then the equally fluffy but rough-around-the-edges bunny poked his little head up, I saw that tattoo, and I was a goner. I’ve set him free and already, we’re traveling a different path…but I’m truly excited to see where he leads me.

Do any of those aforementioned bunnies catch your attention? Which appeals to you the most – friends-to-lovers or second chance romance? Do you prefer low angst or high angst? Steamy or…not? I’m genuinely curious, so please leave a comment below. A note of encouragement would be appreciated too!

Thanks for visiting! And to all who celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Cheers and happy reading!


32 thoughts on “Hey There!

  1. Friends to lovers, low-medium angst, and steamy please; but have no doubt, whatever you decide I am sure will be excellent as all your work is. I’d also definitely love to see a Regency from you. Don’t be shy. I know you have it in you to excel in that too. I’m always looking forward to your next, whatever and whenever!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Someday I’ll gather my courage and release that little Regency runt into the world! Until then, I’ll stick with what I know. As always, thanks for your support, Marie!


  2. I like it all, but there have not been many high/medium angst that I have read lately and I miss it. I like an alpha D and snarky E ;). I am sure whatever you come up with will be awesome thought, and I look forward to it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really wanted to write the high angst modern, but it needs quite a bit of research, so it’s on the back burner for now. Unfortunately, there will be no alpha D or snarky E in this one I’m focused on… As I said, this bunny is taking me down a different path. Thanks!


  3. The fluffy, snuggly bunny is definitely my favourite but the rough round the edges could be good! I’m a huge angst wimp as you know but I do love a bit of steam. Obviously I would prefer the JAFF options but just know that I will read anything you write! I seriously have no idea how you manage it on top of a full time job and sharing fabulous photos of where you live but keep it up 😉🥰🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The rough around the edges bunny was very pushy, lol. And I really love the idea of the main characters loving each other, then being separated, and then finally working their way back to each other. Hmmm…. sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Thanks for your support, Glynis!


  4. Lovely news!! And so very glad you write again… hmmm…. everything sounds good and weknow it is gonna only get better when you finished with it! I am definitely for the friends to lovers trope, the second chaces actually scare me a bit (thousand questions here!!), angst, thankyou no, regency yes please! Just write ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Life has been tough lately, so I’m firmly in the friends to lovers trope with low angst. It does my heart good to read about a strong Darcy and an Elizabeth who doesn’t act like an immature 12 year old. Second choice would be the second changes scenario with low to moderate angst. Truthfully though, I read everything you write. Congrats on having the courage to start a new story considering all the demands on your time. Writers like you amaze me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First of all, I’m sorry things aren’t great for you right now, and I’m sending positive vibes your way. The bunny I’m running with – the second chances bunny – will have some angst, but it’s not too heavy. Hopefully it will be bearable! Thanks for commenting, Jeannette.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You know me…of course it will be fluffy! It’s a must. On a scale of 1-10, I think the angst will probably rank around a 6 or 7. I promise, it will be bearable! Thanks Michelle!


  6. Mmm…do I really have to choose? Okay then, fluffy bunny with an edge sounds just right (like a bowl of porridge that’s not too hot, nor too cold) but I’m intrigued by steamy historical, too. And I still say that you could rock a regency! Whatever you settle on, I know I’ll read it and love it. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that steamy historical is nearly complete in my mind…but it needs to take a back seat for right now. You know my thoughts on writing a Regency… If I could write half as well as you do, I would be happy. Thanks, Mary!


  7. Cracking up at the bunnies in a cage imagery, haha! I love your writing style and look forward to whichever bunny comes our way. You’ve got this!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Each bunny has its own distinct personality. Keeping them contained can be difficult! Thanks so much for your kind words and support, Maggie. I appreciate it!


  8. Hi, Cat! STEAMY, JAFF, with mild to moderate angst. LOVE your modern stories, but I’ll read anything you write. So glad those inspirational bunnies got your writing mojo going. I believe in you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sticking with JAFF – for now – but trying something a little different. And you know my stories will always be on the steamy side…that’s how I roll! Thanks so much for your support, Kim!


  9. Bunnies will do what they will. They race about according to their whims and senses, sometimes even freezing in place for a time, even when wholly uncaged. But every once in a while, they will take off in an unanticipated direction. Hoping whatever paths your bunnies take are productive.

    Since you ask – low to moderate in both angst and steaminess. While I know there are many who want detailed sex scenes, after a while, and certainly by the second half of a book, I find ‘lick by nip by tug’ detail redundant and uninteresting. If It’s not expressing progress/change in the character’s communication, feelings, relationship, etc., it’s not forwarding the plot. And if it’s not forwarding the plot, does it really merit inclusion?

    More important than steaminess or angst level are the characters’ respective emotional journeys. You are gifted in the way you describe and detail your character’s emotions and experiences with patience, honesty, and respectful nuance. It epitomizes the writer’s goal of showing the story, not telling it. Thank you for the gifts of the books you have given us.


    Adelle Stavis (a fellow MA resident)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Adelle,
      I appreciate your honestly re: the steam. And believe it or not, so much of it got cut during the editing process! When I first wrote Dance the Tide (over ten years ago), I was reaaaalllly into writing the steam, and it’s also evident with An Unexpected Harvest and Sanctuary. But I’m learning – slowly! – that sometimes less is more. My next novel will definitely have some steam, but not as much. And it won’t be a Pride and Prejudice variation, so it’s different in all kinds of ways!! I appreciate your remarks about the characters’ emotional journeys as well – it’s so important to me to really dig into what they’re thinking and feeling, and approach it honestly, so your thoughts on that are so appreciated and gave me a boost! Thanks for stopping by! Cat


    1. Chelmsford, out near Lowell. When we go to the Cape, we are more Lower Cape people – Wellfleet, Truro…Used to be the less crowded area. Now it’s crowded everywhere.


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